Wondering how to connect to Oracle SQL developer using python ?
It's a low hanging fruit for you!
Surprising.. This is the way to go...
- SQL Developer 4.1.4
- HR database
- Python 3.6.x
Installing Oracle package
Windows platform
c:\pip install cx_Oracle
This would install the oracle package in its default package path.
Python Code
Open editor (Notepad++), copy-paste below code
from __future__ import print_function
import cx_Oracle
import time
import sys
# Connect as user "hr" with password "welcome" to the "oraclepdb" service running on this computer(localhost).
#creating a connecting link to the database.
connection = cx_Oracle.connect('hr/welcome@localhost/orclpdb');
#To know the execution time of the query
start = time.time();
#define a cursor object
cur = connection.cursor();
#Version of the oracle database
print( connection.version);
#simple select statement
cur.execute("SELECT * FROM EMPLOYEES");
row = cur.fetchall();
print("\nNumber of row(s) fetched", len(row));
#printing the time taken to execute the query
elapsed = (time.time() - start);
print("\nTotal time taken to execute","{0:.2f}".format(elapsed), "seconds.");
#close the cursor and the connection.
Congrats! you have successfully executed your first oracle connection program.
You can find more information on oracle site: